Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine Gifts

The children decided to get Mr. Simple and I Valentine gifts this year instead of just a Valentine card. It all started with Super (age 5) who decided that he needed to get me some gifts. He even told me what he was going to get me ahead of time, despite my protests to keep it a secret.

He said "I'm going to get you flowers, a car, and a sparkly ring. Oh, and a ticket to Disney World."

So on Valentine's Eve, Mr. Simple took Super out shopping, and I took the girls shopping.

The girls got Mr. Simple a travel pillow, and a blue Snuggie, and a stuffed Gorilla. They also got me a travel pillow and a stuffed Gorilla (I already have a pink Snuggie LOL)

And then it was time for the Super's presents - First were the flowers and the car, and then the sparkly ring.

All of my gifts

A close up of the ring

Mr. Simple tried to steer Super to a slightly "smaller" ring, but he would not be deterred. Once he saw that ring, he deemed it "the perfect ring" and that was that. He was SO proud when he gave me his gifts. I, of course, love them. (I love the girls' gifts too. )

I didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I waited until later to ask Super about the ticket to Disney World. He said "Well, Mommy, I was going to get you the ticket, but it was a million hundred dollars, and I couldn't afford it." I told him it was o.k., I was thrilled with my other gifts. And he gave me a hug. And reminded me to keep my ring clean so it would stay sparkly.

Will do, dude.

(Oh, if you too would like flowers, a car, and a sparkly ring - the flowers and car were purchased at our local Kroger grocery store, and the ring was purchased at Target.)


Stacey said...

Hopefully that ring is a reflection of what his future wife will receive in regards to an engagement ring!!! He has great taste!

Tammy said...

That is awesome! WTG Super!