Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Autumnal Celebration 2010 - Part 1

I blogged about this Autumnal Celebration last year. This is usually the first celebration we go to in Autumn. It is held at the university's Horticulture Center, which just so happens to be less than 5 minutes from my house. We had just been over there recently when the Horticulture Center unveiled their new sculputures, but we were still excited to be there for the Celebration.

This year, it wasn't that cold or wet, but goodness, it was WINDY. But we still managed to have a good time.

Super and Jelly Bean drinking some cider
Super running on top of hay bales

They always have a bunch of scarecrows on display and they raffle them off. Here's the one that we won. The name of it is "Preschoolers." Kind of fitting for a preschool teacher, huh?

The Simple Kids on a hayrack ride. I love this picture.

Hanging gourds

The edge of the corn maze. This corn must have been planted late because it was still mostly green. Most of the corn in Illinois has been dry and brown for a couple weeks now.

A field of sunflowers

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