Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday - Employment and Education

I know times are tough, and there are people out there who don't have jobs and need them. And I don't mean for this post to come off as "just follow these simple tips and you'll get a job." But I think that these ideas can be helpful to people in a general sort of way. Oh, and big (((HUGS))) and crossed fingers to everyone who is job-hunting.

Anyway, these tips come from "Earning Your Daily Bread" on the Provident Living website.


1. Identify your goal.

Explore career options. Create goals that appeal to your interests and that are based on your talents, skills, and accomplishments. Recognized that your ideal goal may take several steps to obtain.

2. Develop your skills.

Obtain the education and experience necessary to reach your goal. Use your education and experience to develop and refine your skills so that you can find the job that meets your needs.

3. Pursue the plan.

Involve everyone you know, including employers, organizations, and others who may have information or contacts to help you. Continue to develop new skills and talents to improve your employability.

4. Family Efforts.

Teach family members to value education, to work, and to develop skills and talents. Parents should begin teaching children at a young age the value of work by providing them with work opportunities.

Be an example of self-reliance. Help others with their goals of employment. When speaking of goals, be supportive, encourage planning, and assist as much as possible while encouraging self-reliance.

In all of your employment endeavors, give honest work for the pay and benefits that you receive. You will find great joy and satisfaction as you "earn your daily bread." (Genesis 3:19)

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